
Monday, October 29, 2012

Opening Our Eyes to a Plant-Based Diet

Photo Via

What is a Plant-based diet you may ask?

Well, according to Wikipedia, it is a diet that is 'dominated by fresh or minimally processed plant foods and decreased consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy products.'

When I first started hearing about the plant-based diet, I thought... well...I'm good. I'm already a vegetarian, and I don't eat much processed foods at all, so how could this be different than what I already practice? It wasn't till I started doing my own research, and watched a few uber-informative documentaries on our food industry where I really saw what a huge impact a plant-based diet can have on your body, mind, and the environment.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of integrating this type of diet into your life, then I suggest watching a few documentaries that really opened my eyes to the industry that provides our food sources, and tells us what is "healthy," and the real chronic illness and disease that can come with the American diet. I am definitely not trying to plug veganism, and I do enjoy eggs, cheese, and fish a few days of the week, but it never hurts to educate ourselves on the messages that surround us.

We deserve to put the best fuel possible in our bodies, so that we have more energy for our lives, our families, and ourselves!

Start here and get educated:

Forks Over Knives
Official Website with Recipes Here.
They even feature a firehouse in Texas, and a MMA fighter that are huge supporters of a plant-based diet!

Official Website Here.
You will definitely think twice about your purchases the next time you visit the grocery store, but extremely informative.

Crazy Sexy Cancer
Official Website Here.
She is extremely inspirational, and makes a quick switch to a plant-based diet when she learns she has a rare form of cancer.

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
Official Website Here.
An eye-opening visual of the power of fruits and vegetables, and their ability to heal and balance.

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